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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - coercion


Перевод с английского языка coercion на украинский


примус, примушування; обмеження (волі); насильство; стримання силою

coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection — = coercion of a woman to form a sexual connexion примушування жінки до статевого зв'язку

coercion of a woman to form a sexual connexion — = coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection

coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of work — = coercion of a woman to form a sexual connexion by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of work, coercion of a woman to form a sexual connexion by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of service, coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of service примушування жінки до статевого зв'язку особою, до якої жінка є по службі залежною

coercion of a woman to form a sexual connexion by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of work — = coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of work

coercion of a woman to form a sexual connexion by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of service — = coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of work

coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of service — = coercion of a woman to form a sexual connection by a person on whom the woman is dependent in the line of work

coercion of a woman to have an abortion — примушування жінки до вчинення аборту

coercion to use of narcotic means — = coercion to use of narcotic substances схиляння до вживання наркотичних засобів (речовин)

coercion to use of narcotic substances — = coercion to use of narcotic means

coercion actcoercion billcoercion lawcoercion of law

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